實驗室簡介 Laboratory tour
我們實驗室屬於物理領域中的 AMO 領域中的”High-precision measurement”.美國物理協會稱為︰Atomic, Molecular Optical Science. 原子分子是形容詞,即,應用於原子分子等基礎物理之探討的光學.當然,這個領域發展出來的技術對其他領域也會有應用.例如,量測重力波的關鍵技術,Pound-Drever Hall 鎖頻,即是我們領域發展出來的.近代物理的發展,我們領域每隔幾年就拿諾貝爾獎.以近二十年為例.1997 年 laser cooling; 2001 年 Bose-Einstein Condensation; 2005 年high-precision measurement and comb laser; 2012 年 Quantum manipulation(quantum computing).歡迎同學們加入實驗室,學點技術,想想物理,感受 teamwork,其樂無窮.
Our laboratory is in the field of so-called AMO (atomic, molecular and optical science), especially focus on high-precision measurement. We built up our own laser system for laser stabilization to atomic transition, that is the reason that students in our laboratory in general know about laser physics and electronics. Judgeing from our recent publications, you can find that we are able to offset lock laser frequency to sub-mini Hz level and we are able to build up secondary optical clock. Comb laser technology, which was appreciated by the Nobel committee at 2005, is the unique feature of our laboratory in Taiwan. Recently we collaborate with Japan gravitational wave observatory (Kagra) for a project of “photon calibrator”, by using comb laser technology.